Puppy Teething Timeline – When Do Puppy Teeth Fall Out?

7 min read
7 min read

Updated - Mar 9th, 2023

Key Points

  • Puppies will start to lose their first baby teeth around four months old.
  • Between six and eight months of age, they should have lost all of their baby teeth.
  • If you find loose teeth on the ground, it’s perfectly normal. If you never find any, that’s normal, too – many are swallowed!

If you’re wondering, “When do puppy teeth fall out?” You’re certainly not alone!

Depending on when you brought your fur baby home, they may have wagged into your life with a varying number of baby teeth. Much like human babies, puppies are usually born toothless and then grow a set of 28 puppy teeth. But when do those puppy teeth fall out? And better yet – when will the puppy teething come to an end?

Here, we’ll cover a typical puppy teething timeline and how to keep your pup comfortable as things shift around in their mouth.

When do puppy teeth fall out?

Puppies will start to lose their first baby teeth around four months old, and between six and eight months of age, they should have lost all of their baby teeth. They won’t be toothless, though! At two months old, your pup will start growing their new teeth so around the time they’re eight months old they should have a total of 42 adult teeth.  

Which teeth do puppies lose first?

Dogs have four types of teeth:

  1. Incisors (for grasping)
  2. Canines (for tearing) 
  3. Premolars (for grinding)
  4. Molars (for grinding) 

Out of all four of these, puppies lose their baby incisors first around 2-5 months old. Next, they lose their canines around 5-6 months, usually around three to five months old. Then, around four to six months old, their premolars come out and are replaced by their adult molars.

Tip: Don’t be shocked if you discover your pup’s baby teeth laying around the house! It’s perfectly normal to find a little tooth every now and then. It’s also totally normal if you never find them as many baby teeth are swallowed.

How long does it take for a puppy to lose all of their teeth?

Here is a typical puppy teething timeline to help you understand what’s going on with your pup’s teeth and when. While this is a typical timeline, it’s important to note that every pup is unique.

Some puppies lose their teeth faster or slower than others, and some puppies’ adult teeth even grow in a little funky at first. For example, some puppies’ canines grow in sideways, then straighten out over time. Be sure to check in with your veterinarian to monitor your pup’s progress.

Weeks 2 to 4 

The first two to four weeks are crucial in a puppy’s teething process. Although they are still with their mothers nursing at this stage, their baby teeth can start coming in as soon as their eyes open.

Weeks 5 to 6

At this stage, all 28 of your puppy’s baby teeth should be present. Most breeders start to wean puppies off of their mother’s milk and transition to moist, soft puppy food at this time.

Weeks 12 to 16

At 12 to 16 weeks old, your puppy’s teeth may start falling out. The process is absolutely normal as long as you are sure there are no underlying dental health issues. During this period, the puppy will shed their milk baby teeth, and permanent adult ones will emerge to replace them. 

6 months or older

By the time your puppy is 6 months old, they should be done losing their baby teeth and 42 adult teeth should be present. If you suspect your pup may still be harboring baby teeth after 6 months, check in with your veterinarian.

Again, adult teeth in puppies usually appear in this order;

  • 2-5 Months: Incisors 
  • 3-5 Months: Canine teeth 
  • 4-6 Months: Premolars 
  • 4-6 Months: Molars (Missing in puppies) 

How to care for a teething puppy

If you’ve experienced a teething baby, know that a teething puppy isn’t far off!

Rather than crying, however, your puppy will want to bite everything in sight – from furniture to your feet! To help redirect their nipping and soothe discomfort, provide them with safe puppy teething toys. You can also try putting their chew toys in the freezer to provide a cooling treat.

If you have a super chewer on your hands, it may be worth investing in indestructible chew toys with tougher exteriors and textures. Just remember that anything that’s as hard as a tooth can crack a tooth – so be careful about which dog toys and bones you choose.

Tip: Did you know that puppies learn about the world through their mouths? If it feels like your pooch is putting everything in their mouth, know that it’s a natural part of puppy socialization.

Whatever you do, do not try to pull a baby tooth! No matter how aggravated they may seem, you will do more harm than good. If you find anything unusual in your puppy’s mouth, it’s best to contact your veterinarian rather taking matters into your own hands.

Puppy teeth and dental disease

Dog dental health is a huge part of puppy care, so when you notice something off, don’t ignore it!

Sometimes, baby teeth and permanent adult teeth can crowd, or you’ll notice plaque buildup that can lead to periodontal disease. Some pet parents also notice baby teeth that are refusing to come out, this can be a sign of retained deciduous teeth.

In order to prevent dental disease and protect your puppy’s health, clean your dog’s teeth with a dog toothbrush and toothpaste as regularly as possible. If your dog isn’t crazy about things in their mouth, start small by simply brushing their teeth with a finger brush, rewarding with treats along the way.

Tip: In the event of an infection or periodontal disease, having the right pet insurance can help you pay for the best care possible. That’s why Pumpkin’s puppy insurance plans cover exam fees, X-rays, and treatment for dental diseases. Take a step towards protecting your pup’s pearly whites and get a quote today!

When do puppies’ baby teeth grow in?

At around two weeks old, a puppy starts to grow their first puppy incisors, which are shortly followed by canine teeth and premolars. By the time they’re about 8 weeks of age, they have a complete set of baby teeth. Then you’ll notice those teeth start to fall out. But have no fear: your puppy is only losing their teeth to make room for new ones!

What are some signs that your puppy’s teeth are falling out?

Aside from noticing dog teeth around your house, you might also notice that your puppy seems a bit uncomfortable or that they’re chewing on…well, everything. Don’t be suprised if they start nipping, too. These are all signs your puppy’s teeth are falling out.

Other notable symptoms include; 

  • Bad breath 
  • A little drooling 
  • Little spots of blood on chewing toys (It should be really small, anything excessive might be cause for concern)

How do you know if your puppy’s teeth falling out is normal?

 It’s totally normal and expected for all of your puppy’s baby teeth or “milk teeth” to fall out and be replaced with a new set of adult teeth. As mentioned before, the rate at which they fall out can vary. The only time when your dog’s loose teeth become a problem is if they’re losing their permanent adult teeth.

Another thing to look out for is a permanent tooth coming up in a space still occupied by a baby tooth. This is called a retained deciduous tooth and is common in small-breed dogs. The most common retained deciduous teeth are the canine teeth. If this abnormality occurs, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to remove the baby tooth, as it will cause damage to the adult tooth if left in your dog’s mouth.

When is it necessary to call your vet during teething?

You can seek the help of your veterinarian really any time during the teething process, but you should definitely call them if you encounter anything unusual such as baby teeth refusing to come out, tartar or plaque buildup, and wounds or injuries around the mouth.

Bottom line 

Though it might be shocking to find a puppy tooth on your floor, know that this is a normal part of your puppy’s growth. Puppies’ teeth will fall out during the first four to six months of their life, and they should gain their permanent teeth after six months old. While puppy teething can be a rough time for both you and your pup, know that it doesn’t last forever. Be sure to stock up on safe chewing toys, cold treats, and don’t hold back on the cuddles! 

Rachel Carp

Rachel Carp

Rachel is a copywriter and the favorite aunt of an adorable Cockapoo named Bentley.
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